We Make

About We Make

As makers, we want to connect with the people who support our best work. So, we’ve built an online community space for sharing and discovering that we hope will also connect us more deeply.

Following the way of craft, the We Make experience is managed by people, not algorithms, and is designed around beautiful objects, meaningful interactions and getting work into people’s hands. You can read more about our vision and values.

Started by makers, refined by the community

We Make was conceived by Ephrem Hernandez who has been working with metal for a few years and is also a long-time designer and web developer. He’s partnered with advisors in business, technology and craft to build what we hope is a generous space for the making community. We’re privately funded and will always make decisions that prioritize individual makers and small studios/workshops.

What has become We Make started as an idea for the metalworking community but we quickly realized that makers in all types of handcraft needed a place to share their work with one another and a larger audience. Feedback from makers continues to help steer our direction and we plan to keep it that way.

You can participate now

If you’re interested in being more involved, or if you have questions or comments, we’d like to hear. Right now, the best way to reach us is our contact form. And, the best way to stay up-to-date is to register and request early access as either a maker or an appreciator.

We look forward to growing this together!